Code: MWEUM02A
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For the instant relief of itchy, dry and red skin. Eumovate eczema & dermatitis cream 15g can provide instant relief during flareups of eczema and dermatitis. Eczema is a common condition that causes skin to become dry, itchy and irritated. Dermatitis presents similar symptoms but occurs when you touch something that might cause irritation, such as when sensitive skin touches strong soap. These conditions can be extremely uncomfortable and cause an unbreakable itch-scratch cycle, which is why Eumovate have found a solution. The active ingredient in Eumovate cream is clobetasone butyrate, a type of corticosteroid that works by supressing inflammation on areas it comes in contact with. Simply rub a small amount of Eumovate on the area you need it most, and experience the soothing, calming and hydrating effect it can have on damaged skin. Features of Eumovate eczema & dermatitis cream: • Corticosteroid treatment • Soothes dry, itchy irritated skin • Relief lasting up to 24 hours • Suitable for eczema and dermatitis • Helps to break the itch-scratch cycle